Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sweat blog

The theme that stands out the most in this short story would have to be courage. When Syke brought that rattlesnake home, she was terrified of it and could barely move. “One day as Delia came down the kitchen she saw his chalky-white fangs curved like scimitars hung in the wire meshes. This time she did not run away with averted eyes as usual. She stood for a long time in the doorway in a red fury that grew bloodier for every second that she regarded the creature that was her torment”(6).. Delia finally stood up to her worst fear in snakes to stand and watch it for a long time. Also when Syke would threaten Delia and beat her until she had enough. “She seized the iron skillet from the stove and struck a defensive pose” (2). Delia had enough of getting treated bad by Syke and finally chooses to fight back.

1 comment:

  1. ~Author and title should be in your topic sentence.
    ~Sykes is the name of the antagonist.
    ~You need a clicher sentence. Your paragraph ends abruptly.

