Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Night Reflection

First off, the book itself was ok. I really don’t enjoy reading so it was tough powering through it in two days. What Elie went through as a teenager was pretty rough. Being separated from your mother and siblings had to be terrible. I think his father is what allowed him to survive. They were each other’s reasons to live, and when his father died he was devastated. I also learned that there were nice Nazi’s. I thought that they were all cruel. The hardest part for me to read was when the SS hung the little boy. Also, when one of the rabbi’s sons beat him to death for food.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Prompt 2

Part 1: I think the bond between Elie and his father is pretty strong. “My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me [from allowing myself to die]. . . . I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his only support.” That to me says that his father means a lot to him if just his presence is keeping him alive. Part 2: Elie and the other Jewish people were at the worst death camp there was.Which was Auschwitz. The camp was located in Poland.It was operated by the German SS. They killed about 1.1 million Jewish people.

Blog Prompt 1

Part 1: I think the significance of Mrs.Schacter was that she was the first to see the terror that was to come. She symbolizes the cruelty of the Nazi's reign. "Jews, listen to me... I see a fire!I see huge flames,huge flames!". Part 2: The Nazi's wanted anything gold, so the dentist wanted to take his gold crown. The dentist was taking out gold teeth and keeping them. Franek the foreman wanted Elie's gold crown so bad that he beat his father because he couldn't march correctly.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Holocaust blog activity

Part 1: I know that the nazi's put jews in concentration camps. They wanted to "cleanse" germany of jews.Hitler wanted the ayran race to be superior. Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp, and probably the worst. Over 6 million jews were killed, including children. Part 2: Image1: Women,Children,trapped, prison Keyword:Fear Image2: poor living conditions, all men, scary, worked to death Keyword: Starvation Image3: Millions, glasses, Keyword: Death Part 3: Millions of jews feared for their lives while being worked to death, and starved.